Whose to blame on the Oil Spill of the Gulf of Mexico?, I should say there are two answers; 1. the Easy answer BP,, 2. the real answer is US! Yea our society is the one to blame we are addict to dirty oil, unfortunable these are the kind of catastrophes’ that become a wake up call for governments to shift to clean energy, I remember back in Sweden we present the case of BP Solar and BP Wind as cases in which the oil industry is trying to shift towards a sustainable clean energy , after the gulf spill catastrophes and the fact that BP may have their final days on a medium term due the law suits, clean up payments and the most important nobody will like to make business with such a company,, I am wondering shouldn´t consider create an capitalized as much as they can their efforts on sustainable clean energy , I mean there a lot of people that work on BP and BP trade mark is now totally associated to major pollution, etc, an strategic advisor a good one will see this as an opportunity to redirect efforts into a sustainability path sort of offsetting their major previous mistakes, helping somehow in the recovery of the gulf, put all or most of their revenues into clean energy and sustainable projects , eliminate at maximum their drilling operation, or gradually shift it core business into clean energy and sustainability. Anyway the gulf of Mexico, all it´s biodiversity, the people of the zone areas the real victims or I should say we are victims of our major and sick dependency on oil. Of course as you all may know: WE MUST CHANGE!, However and unfortunable we need major steps from our governments, leaders and companies. The good thing you can do a lot to reduce or ELIMINATE the oil consumption on a personal scale, so at the end it´s a matter of CHANGE or not , or I should say Change will come but when? , can we do it before is to late?,, sometimes I am afraid that will takes us many catastrophes like this or whorst,, such is humane nature. One only can really hope that we dont have to deal with this issues no more.
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