Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Costa Rica + Natura : Nature Based Solutions Policy

Costa Rica + Natura 

Costa Rica + Natura policy, Costa Rica leading the way one more time on the transition to an ecological balance, economic development, and sustainability are not incompatible.

The economic development of Costa Rica must never affect the country's rich biodiversity, hence the Costa Rica + Natura program, a new model of economic and social development, Nature-based solutions is a key to create a new green business, new jobs, equality, fairness, in balance with nature aiming to regenerate biodiversity in one of the richest regions of the world.

A great policy to implement Nature-Based Solutions :


Here the deputy minister of environment who is leading the way with Minister Rodriguez. Is an honor for me to be part of the team for this transition:

Diplomado de Valoración Económica Ambiental

Continue learning (Formal or informal) is part of the evolution of humans: Integral Economic Valuation of Environmental Ecosystems - Univers...