Hello to all my overseas pal´s, Finally I make an english entry at this blog, anyway, here are some pics of my final endeavor, the idea is to help some ranchers close to the capital to be more efficient; eco-efficent ,reducing cost and helping them to understand sutainability, in practical terms the meat production should reduce the extensivise practices so land can be used more efficently for more people whitout compromising the natural resources procuring to restore, the thing is that the erreoneously used of land and on particular land for cattle is destroyng the native forest and its bio deversity with the aggravator that it may never came back. anyway Meat and Cattle is and has ever been on humanity since the begining of human kind this living way must be adresing on a sustainable way ,specially on developing countries where rural and cattle production is way of living so sustainabilty must start in order to find alternatives for growth economical-social whitout compromising the linited nature resources and the most important biodervisty.
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