Friday, April 21, 2017

Greening Choco region

We took a helicopter ride on rio quito one of the most devastated area on choco due illegal mining , we are going to approach this issue as an integral government the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable development, the ministry of agriculture , the ministry of mines and energy ,the ministry of interior ,, etc we must come with integral responses to save one of the most important  bio diverse regions on the world

So we are working with US AID on green business projects as alternatives , and here is one of the ¨champions¨ we are working on a natural organic colorant from a native plant ACHIOTE ,this natural colorant organic  harvested from a native seed of the region is highly effective and its colorant is among the best for food industry , the commercialization of this product has a huge potential on internal and external markets , the whole process of its production fullfil on a great percentage our green business criteria .

Here with the Vice minister of Mines talking about the Life Cycle process of the ACHIOTE colorant
The whole party Ministery of Enviroment, Ministery of Mines, Ministery of defense, and our parthener USAID,

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Diplomado de Valoración Económica Ambiental

Continue learning (Formal or informal) is part of the evolution of humans: Integral Economic Valuation of Environmental Ecosystems - Univers...