Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Sep 30 2016. The Water Tax Negotiation

Sep 30 2016. The Water Tax negotiation , after days of hard negotiations with the rice producers of center Colombia -Tolima dept, we had to come to an agreement in which the agricultural sector will pay a minimum fee for use of water , even do this economical instrument is both looking forward : 1.  the changing behavior and 2. the implementation of eco efficiency technologies, the economical objective cant no be accomplished due the impact on the rice producers , the complexity on the economical formula that drives the water tax make us to reevaluate some specific coefficient that no longer will help us to give a strong signal for changing behavior and implement eco efficiency technologies , therefore the agreement incorporates the will of the producers to gradually increase the water tax in 15 years, this will give them time to adopt technologies and being more efficient with the use of water simultaneously the rice producers will adopt technologies to be more efficient on use of water, regardless the economical signal presented by the mathematical formula the rice producer must adopt technologies and efficiency procedures due climate change 

Me , the viceminister , the director of the national environmental system , the rice producers representatives and irrigation distrritos 

Me talking with the Rice federation attorney.

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