Monday, August 06, 2018

Good Bye to a Great & sometimes misunderstood Leader, The Colombian President & Nobel Prize

Adiós, Presidente! 

Farewell to a great leader, President Santos, sometimes misunderstood by many of my fellow countrymen, history will judge him benevolently, he was someone who bet all his political capital on Colombia’s peace agreement among many other progressive policies.

I have to say it was a truly honor to work under President Santos command, and accomplished all objectives on green economic ,financial, and market instruments as well as developed the Green National Business plan  where we had accomplished more than a thousand green business! ,creating more than 7,000 truly green jobs,  showing more than 50 million usd on net sales of green micro-entrepreneurs .

We did it! , we did harvest the pillar of green growth as the new vision. Proud, proud to have worked as Head of Office at the now well renamed Green Business Office at  Colombian Ministry of Environmental  & Sustainable Development. A new age has begun in Colombia, let us pray for keeping the right and only track we could take, the sustainable development way !

The results of our National Green Biz Plan. 2014-2018 (1st Q)- Numbers dont lie ; 
On the Green Economic, Financial & Market instruments area; these are our magnificent results on Santos last period 2014-2018

Updating the Compensatory Rate for Water Use (After more than a decade)
Compensatory Rate for the protective forest reserve of the eastern forests of Bogotá.
Remuneration Rate for Punctual Water Spills
Compensatory Rate for Capture of Wildlife
Compensatory Rate for Timber Forest Use
Payment for Environmental Services
Carbon Market Implementation
Carbon tax design
Design and negotiation of the tax on plastic bags
Environmental economic valuation guide.

The environmental compensatory rates, unlike a tax in which the economic resources goes to a common stock , the compensatory rates seek to compensate the footprint or an anthropocentrically generated impact. Remuneration rates under the polluter pays principle

Friday, August 03, 2018

Finalmente la actualización de la Tasa Compensatoria Forestal!

And the cherry on the cake! Finalmente y después de mucho trabajo ,muchísimo análisis de años por parte de la ONVS , Salió la Tasa Compensatoria Forestal cuya finalidad es preservar y conservar especies forestales que sosteniblemente son utilizadas, generara mas recursos para preservar y conservar nuestros bosques, también buscará mayor control en la deforestación en las regiones . Esta es la última herramienta que de un Bloque significativo de herramientas económicas, financieras y de mercado se han logrado exitosamente en esta administración en procura de un mayor crecimiento verde !

Diplomado de Valoración Económica Ambiental

Continue learning (Formal or informal) is part of the evolution of humans: Integral Economic Valuation of Environmental Ecosystems - Univers...