Friday, May 27, 2016

Some people are immerse on a huge paradox , believe it or not there still many people on strategic positions within many of our governments who still believe that growth or development means constructions, building roads, buildings etc vs sustainable development, believe it or not that  IS "business as usual" on many counties specially on our latino american countries.

The sad part for many of these low mind evolved persons is that while they live in such a darkness many of them on desition makers positions ,unfortunate the learning curve will take years for them to incorporate sustainability on their DNA or for them to wake up on an very urgent matter. I know there are many tools such as SDG which is a good example ,unfortunate its not tools such as this but the timing for these people finally open their eyes what scares me the most

Thursday, May 26, 2016

575 millon Euros for New Colombia on Peace and Green Business part of it

575 millon Euros for New Colombia on Peace and Green Business part of it .

Signing ceremony of the disbursement of a first tranche of a sector reform contract for local sustainable development in Colombia, by Mauricio Mira Pontón, Director of the Green Business Bureau of the Colombian Ministry for Environment and Sustainable Development, on the left, and Ana Paula Zacarias, Head of the Delegation of the EU to Colombia, 2nd from the right, in the presence of Rafael Pardo, in the background, in the centre, and Federica Mogherini

Diplomado de Valoración Económica Ambiental

Continue learning (Formal or informal) is part of the evolution of humans: Integral Economic Valuation of Environmental Ecosystems - Univers...