Friday, December 09, 2016

CANCUN -Mexico. Cop 13 biodiversity. My speech: Mainstreaming biodiversity and entrepreneurship into peacebuilding processes

Presenting the Colombian policy on green business at COP 13 of Biodiversity ,

 Here with the environment vice minister of Costa Rica , and our Colombian Delegation

Friday, November 25, 2016

Greener Cali City one of nicest cities to live in Colombia

Here with the local enviromental authority of the ciy DAGMA is very active in get in greener the city

Friday, November 18, 2016

New Green Business Office on one of the most biodiverse regions of the world and Detonante Festival

Opening a new one step green biz office at the most bio diverse region CHOCO, we will work with the chocan society in order to strategically drives this region to a real sustainable economy , green economy  is the answer a region with such potential .

Here with the Director of the local environmental authority -CODECHOCO

The opening day of Detonante Festival on Quibdo -Choco , the festival is an excellent mixture between music, arts , entrepreneurship, green business and all waht makes this region unique . Here from left to Right : The director of Economy of the goverment of Choco, The director of the Presidential office for cooperation, My self as director of the green business Office, my boss the Minister of Environment , Josefina Klinger a real leader on the region, The Director of the envormental authority of Choco and the Director of the most importnat magazine in Colombia, Revista Semana

Here "testing"the result of the new green entrepreneurs

Wednesday, October 05, 2016

To day. V Senate of the Republic Commission : Public debate of the foreclose of 220 slaughterhouses or plants animal benefits

 V Senate of the Republic Commission  : debate of slaughterhouse or plants of animal benefits .

To day we have a debate of what is know in Colombia as political control which means that the government must explain positions on policies structured by the state in this occasion the foreclosure of several slaughterhouse that do not implement several upgrades required in order to be approve and Ok to operate  by the government ( environmental, health, agricultural, commerce )  this requires a strong participation of both the government (Central and municipalities) and  private sector ,from our side I see this the opportunity to implement high tech and eco efficiencies  that will result on savings and opportunities in commercialization of meat under more clean procedures and technologies.

Today on  V Senate  Commission with the Minister of Agriculture Aurelio Irragori

Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Sep 30 2016. The Water Tax Negotiation

Sep 30 2016. The Water Tax negotiation , after days of hard negotiations with the rice producers of center Colombia -Tolima dept, we had to come to an agreement in which the agricultural sector will pay a minimum fee for use of water , even do this economical instrument is both looking forward : 1.  the changing behavior and 2. the implementation of eco efficiency technologies, the economical objective cant no be accomplished due the impact on the rice producers , the complexity on the economical formula that drives the water tax make us to reevaluate some specific coefficient that no longer will help us to give a strong signal for changing behavior and implement eco efficiency technologies , therefore the agreement incorporates the will of the producers to gradually increase the water tax in 15 years, this will give them time to adopt technologies and being more efficient with the use of water simultaneously the rice producers will adopt technologies to be more efficient on use of water, regardless the economical signal presented by the mathematical formula the rice producer must adopt technologies and efficiency procedures due climate change 

Me , the viceminister , the director of the national environmental system , the rice producers representatives and irrigation distrritos 

Me talking with the Rice federation attorney.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Vacation time!  finally after 2 long years of intense public servant whit my beautiful wife .. starting this October 2016...

Sunday, August 14, 2016

The Uwas indian Nation Negotiations

The difficult but fair negotiation whit   UWA's Indian Nation and The Colombian Government the last week this July  in Cubara-Boyaca in which I was part of it, a Fair Negotiation, where the Indian nation require for the nation to honor past agreements and some extra points has been finally solved after more than 3 months of civil unrest.

Here the TV -note on Colombian National TV. Here  as well a picture after the hard negotiation with Uwas at 3 a.m Arauca Airport waiting for our airplane to Bogota after a long trip on a  Colombian Army Black-hawk that flow on total darkness over the Arauca , here with viceminsiters of interior, mines, my self as viceminisiter of environment , the director of national parks, the agency of lands, and director of Colombian public advocacy .

the Note on  CMI prime Colombian News;

Friday, May 27, 2016

Some people are immerse on a huge paradox , believe it or not there still many people on strategic positions within many of our governments who still believe that growth or development means constructions, building roads, buildings etc vs sustainable development, believe it or not that  IS "business as usual" on many counties specially on our latino american countries.

The sad part for many of these low mind evolved persons is that while they live in such a darkness many of them on desition makers positions ,unfortunate the learning curve will take years for them to incorporate sustainability on their DNA or for them to wake up on an very urgent matter. I know there are many tools such as SDG which is a good example ,unfortunate its not tools such as this but the timing for these people finally open their eyes what scares me the most

Thursday, May 26, 2016

575 millon Euros for New Colombia on Peace and Green Business part of it

575 millon Euros for New Colombia on Peace and Green Business part of it .

Signing ceremony of the disbursement of a first tranche of a sector reform contract for local sustainable development in Colombia, by Mauricio Mira Pontón, Director of the Green Business Bureau of the Colombian Ministry for Environment and Sustainable Development, on the left, and Ana Paula Zacarias, Head of the Delegation of the EU to Colombia, 2nd from the right, in the presence of Rafael Pardo, in the background, in the centre, and Federica Mogherini

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Portafolio de Negocios Verdes - Oficina de Negocios Verdes del Ministerio de Ambiente de Colombia. / Colombia's Green Business Portfolio -Colombia's Green Business Office -Ministry of Environment

Diplomado de Valoración Económica Ambiental

Continue learning (Formal or informal) is part of the evolution of humans: Integral Economic Valuation of Environmental Ecosystems - Univers...