For a long time I have wonder how this thing of sustainability principles can be really taken by our society but then and just by observing our society you can see that there is a growing lack of principles and values in our society in general regardless religions or dogmas, the “westernized” ideology is pretty much spread all over the world thanks to television, internet, etc, of curse I do not want to sound moralist or something like that, but the true is that the lack of principals and values bring a new set of rules or principals if there are any, in fact the new set of values if we can call them like that are totally based on the economic power , materialistic ,looks , as matter of fact the westernized society will honor and empower a person who is both successfully economically and “pretty” , that is the real model to follow and in order to pursuit this, persons will do anything to achieve it. So one person that already has “evolutioned” sort of speaking and know that sustainability is the right path and the principles have to be taken for many in our society this persona will assume that there is hopeless to bring values and principles’ to this degree of anarchic of a capitalistic world.
So how to maintain the right track, the sustainability track based on principles’ ?
My thesis perhaps if the market changes rapidly and then the models are “green models” “sustainability” as “chick” etc, then maybe , things will make this whole mass of lethargic undeveloped persons to really grow, and take this principles’ as part of their DNA, and
how can one do such a thing?.
By having strong principles’ and maintaining sharp values, the true is that if peoples do not see you consequent with your values and principles’ , your credibility and any message that you try to present just do not have any validity at all what so ever, and if people recognized you for your values and principles and point you as a crazy person or a visionary that at the end is what a leader is made of, following its convictions ,principles’ and values, so at the end I gues what just saying is that no matter how hard it is ,, never, never lets forget what our values and principles are ,and stick to them that is our best way really to change our decaying world !