I just can not understand how there still people questioning cientific facts, such as the one in which more 2,000 of the most important minds on the planet!!!! gather about climate change and make hundres of analysis, and present it as unquestionable fact!,persons of the common or normal persons give personal opinions their own reasons and many times tird grade leavel comments, really, is like anyone is telling Einstein that teory of relativy does not exist and is just a mith,, I really find these iletracy non sense commentaries a real paradox of our times, people whitout any really cientific knowledge are giving, or trying to give so called calified commentaries that add more missleading to the rest of the world, on a planet which needs actions Now, then To day Al Gore has been award whit the Peace Nobel price and there are voices, many, belive it or not of such unqualified persons raising these non sense and laud voices that all is a political issue, that the whole thing is bull, that global warming or climate change is a mith,that all is just a missleading from Al Gores machinary and Mr. Gore´s personal interest, Belive it or not! just can make any sense how idiotic can a human being be, yea a human being perhaps aN Australopithecus could be more inteligent than this idiots, at least this primary hominids will have the common sense that they must take care of their house and their living habitat or die!(check one of the best books for me to try to understand basic human behavior : Desmond Morris.the naked Ape),any so called inferior species will take care of its habitat, there is not one on this planet as destructive as ours, and then ,I can not explain,really , this new specimen of felow humans in our days that act like the world is unlimited, that resources will be there for ever,oil will never finish!!! and the worst that all that Increasing resulting CO2 is not cousing global warming, just becouse,,well.... they said so!,,as I said tird level or unevololutionied ,just dont make any sense. I dont know what to say, only that, there is not a blinder person that the one that does not wanna see,really,hystory is full of examples of many civilizations falled due this total wrong interpretation of sings to adopt new ways of live,yes, we need leadership, and yes we live on a globalized planet where everything is each day more integrated, international system, nations are more integrated on a global economy based planet, the richest country U.S. and the leader of the planet for so long should make it firts move, and will eventually make it, hopefully will happen sooner than later, most of the resting nations: followers, us, -The countries of this part of the world will follow on that level,, on a personal level,I am trying to make the diference on my level of expertise, corporate world, hopefully this effort will give me dividends both economically and profesionally, showing the green path to my clients, and on a deeper side I really try to make the diference whit my sole actions and my short feedbacks whit friends, lately, people intercating whit me,this blog to me as well represent a way to express this major non sense which still going on much of our planet, hopefully my kids one day will see this blog,hopefully,and then, they will see that his father did tray to worked on the only path humankind had at the time, and my conciness will rest on peace due my actions.I totally belive this should be many personS spirit. In the other hand ECG is finally showing sings of taking off whit our projects ongoing and the comming ones, a new cycle has begun for me and my project of life, I will keep u inform throught this chanel, this informs will be made under the usual format , Pictures that will tell stories!. Ok, Fellows hope all is fine, and remember U CAN MAKE THE DIFERENCE! http://www.empivot.com/watch.php?mdid=403