Bueno, la verdad increible y que pationada ,, pasarémos con mis hermanos Pili,Juan Carlos y Ana cristina , el año nuevo en times quare y el 1 a Boston hasta el 7 y hablar con mis pathners de green land entrerprises http://www.greeenland-enterprises.com/, con ECG para regresar a DC y pasar los últimos dias con Patty -Mark and los huilas.
A Real Journey Towards Sustainability, Un viaje Real hacia el Desarrollo Sostenible.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Georgetown University´s Solar Panels
I had a short trip to this fine University one of U.S best and find out about this Solar panels solutions on this roof next to the main managment building, I found that really what dictates what a real visionary university is and what a good school responsability should be on now days, Great for Georgetown University, I wish some more top universities take steps like that.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Washington D.C 2007-08
Well afther 19 years , I finally touch the U.S again,, long freaking trip ,, get lost in Atlanta GA, but finally I came by surprise here at Mclane-Virginia, just 25 min from Reagan Airport ,, nice place Mark and Patricia´s, has to confess,, my sisters are excelent here, having the time of their lifes, Pili is working as intern at Telemundo while Patty take the hardest job whit my nephews here at home ,, anyway ,, just came and I am happly enchanted by the place and the xmass feeling ,,It is just Amazing place !! ,, Took ben out and a nice girl stop me to see the dog ,,or me,jejje,, ok, so this is it for now,, I am finally here and I will take the most of it and re take the U.S constacts and see the things I have to see.
until next time
Aqui unas fotillas de Todo de mi viaje a Costa Rica,, fotillos de reuniones, comidillas y puerto viejo, limon, las primeras fotillos del carrillo racing de john y tambien pongo al de Mako pa k no se pique ,,los dos son unas naves, estilos diferentes,,me encanto Puerto viejo y mi experiencia alla,, bien Chante!,, y lo que me llamo la atencion y en parte por lo que fui fue por que en Puerto Viejo existe una cultura de reciclaje y mantener el medio ambiente admirable,, faltan implementar mas osluciones, pero es un muy buen ejemplo de como se puede coordinar en conjunto para lograr comunidades sostenibles ,, muy intereseante esto es importante si se analiza que son en inmensa mayoria europeos quienes rigen esa zona de Costa Rica, y claramente han influido notoriamente en esta actitud y filosofia de sostenibilidad de la zona
Costa Rica 07-08 - Parte I
Bueno,, de regreso en mi tierrilla me vi con los amigos de toda la vida, mako y john, john me presto un apt. la mayoria del tiempo, vi a todos los amigos y chichi impacto con su empresa, estuve de fiesta, sali y comi bueno, el tiempo realmente volo,, y muchas de las metas se cumplieron, esto es: que Equilibrium Costa Rica pronto sera una realidad,, aqui adjunto,, fotillas de los amigos,, en la fiesta del hotel Don Carlos a,, por cierto le estoy haciendo un betecillo a este,,y lo mostraré en enero,, este update lo escribo desde Washington D.C,,
Friday, October 12, 2007
Some reflections (The Naked Ape -Desmond Morris) and Al Gore Nobel Price

I just can not understand how there still people questioning cientific facts, such as the one in which more 2,000 of the most important minds on the planet!!!! gather about climate change and make hundres of analysis, and present it as unquestionable fact!,persons of the common or normal persons give personal opinions their own reasons and many times tird grade leavel comments, really, is like anyone is telling Einstein that teory of relativy does not exist and is just a mith,, I really find these iletracy non sense commentaries a real paradox of our times, people whitout any really cientific knowledge are giving, or trying to give so called calified commentaries that add more missleading to the rest of the world, on a planet which needs actions Now, then To day Al Gore has been award whit the Peace Nobel price and there are voices, many, belive it or not of such unqualified persons raising these non sense and laud voices that all is a political issue, that the whole thing is bull, that global warming or climate change is a mith,that all is just a missleading from Al Gores machinary and Mr. Gore´s personal interest, Belive it or not! just can make any sense how idiotic can a human being be, yea a human being perhaps aN Australopithecus could be more inteligent than this idiots, at least this primary hominids will have the common sense that they must take care of their house and their living habitat or die!(check one of the best books for me to try to understand basic human behavior : Desmond Morris.the naked Ape),any so called inferior species will take care of its habitat, there is not one on this planet as destructive as ours, and then ,I can not explain,really , this new specimen of felow humans in our days that act like the world is unlimited, that resources will be there for ever,oil will never finish!!! and the worst that all that Increasing resulting CO2 is not cousing global warming, just becouse,,well.... they said so!,,as I said tird level or unevololutionied ,just dont make any sense. I dont know what to say, only that, there is not a blinder person that the one that does not wanna see,really,hystory is full of examples of many civilizations falled due this total wrong interpretation of sings to adopt new ways of live,yes, we need leadership, and yes we live on a globalized planet where everything is each day more integrated, international system, nations are more integrated on a global economy based planet, the richest country U.S. and the leader of the planet for so long should make it firts move, and will eventually make it, hopefully will happen sooner than later, most of the resting nations: followers, us, -The countries of this part of the world will follow on that level,, on a personal level,I am trying to make the diference on my level of expertise, corporate world, hopefully this effort will give me dividends both economically and profesionally, showing the green path to my clients, and on a deeper side I really try to make the diference whit my sole actions and my short feedbacks whit friends, lately, people intercating whit me,this blog to me as well represent a way to express this major non sense which still going on much of our planet, hopefully my kids one day will see this blog,hopefully,and then, they will see that his father did tray to worked on the only path humankind had at the time, and my conciness will rest on peace due my actions.I totally belive this should be many personS spirit. In the other hand ECG is finally showing sings of taking off whit our projects ongoing and the comming ones, a new cycle has begun for me and my project of life, I will keep u inform throught this chanel, this informs will be made under the usual format , Pictures that will tell stories!. Ok, Fellows hope all is fine, and remember U CAN MAKE THE DIFERENCE! http://www.empivot.com/watch.php?mdid=403
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Marine Biodisel - Ecoefficiencies on the Colombian Atlantic and Pacific Coast-Bringing some sustainability small steps on the colombian caribean

Last week ECG start a big analysis on an important corporation here in Colombia their business is manly focused on marine logistics and marine transport , we are at the gathering of information step and already we have had found many opportunities and savings areas,, hopefully this project will start soon and we could make it as another example of how being sustainable (Clean) and adopting strategic sustainable development measurements that can pay them well and make the company an example to follow .
Here some pictures of the work we are right know.
On more personal scale now that I am single again (no constraints for now) my intention is to let our corporation s ECG here in Bogota self-sufficient and the start what It was my dream since I went to Sweden on first place , the creation of my company on Costa Rica my home town and where my friends really are, hopefully this dream is coming closer and closer and just limited to the production level of ECG-Bogotá.
So if everything goes according whit planning by mid July or beginning of august ECG –San Jose will become a reality.
Hope everything is going Groovy!! For all my pals,, funny but the more I heard negative and negations on the sustainability field the more that I get involve on showing these close minded people how this really is working and becoming an non debatable reality.
Until the next journey towards sustainability
Monday, April 09, 2007
A short update

Hola to all my friends,
So this is my latest up date, for those who are familiar whit catholic cultures, last week was holy week which means that basically that week is just for praying and there is not commerce or labor activities specially good Tuesday and Friday , reminds me when I was a year ago in Ktown, and my praying whit Aldo at the little chapel at Ktown, ok, so afther this week, here is my update;
A week before “holy week” I had the opportunity to “travel” to Punta Iguana that is on Baru Island on the Colombian Caribbean close to Cartagena also at the Colombian Caribbean, Punta Iguana which is a Nautical Club and requires 45 min in boat to get there, wants me to see or better Explore possibilities for implementing sustainable solutions after the 3 day trip and pre-diagnostic, I did find huge possibilities to implement them on this site, the final result will make this Club located by the way on a National park an Example of the whole region, we intend to implement real solutions that will present potential measure savings and will work on the swift process of this Club towards sustainable tools and using the TNS-ABCD, here I have attached some pictures of this place, one picture of the biking ride at my final day, and the last picture are here in Bogotá whit one my best friend Mako who came to visit Bogotá during this peaceful days.
Right now we at ECG are firmly working on the Hotel la Fontana member of one of the biggest regional hotel chains , we ´ll see how it goes.
Ok, people ,, hope everything goes well and remember that happiness must be always on the top of anything.
So this is my latest up date, for those who are familiar whit catholic cultures, last week was holy week which means that basically that week is just for praying and there is not commerce or labor activities specially good Tuesday and Friday , reminds me when I was a year ago in Ktown, and my praying whit Aldo at the little chapel at Ktown, ok, so afther this week, here is my update;
A week before “holy week” I had the opportunity to “travel” to Punta Iguana that is on Baru Island on the Colombian Caribbean close to Cartagena also at the Colombian Caribbean, Punta Iguana which is a Nautical Club and requires 45 min in boat to get there, wants me to see or better Explore possibilities for implementing sustainable solutions after the 3 day trip and pre-diagnostic, I did find huge possibilities to implement them on this site, the final result will make this Club located by the way on a National park an Example of the whole region, we intend to implement real solutions that will present potential measure savings and will work on the swift process of this Club towards sustainable tools and using the TNS-ABCD, here I have attached some pictures of this place, one picture of the biking ride at my final day, and the last picture are here in Bogotá whit one my best friend Mako who came to visit Bogotá during this peaceful days.
Right now we at ECG are firmly working on the Hotel la Fontana member of one of the biggest regional hotel chains , we ´ll see how it goes.
Ok, people ,, hope everything goes well and remember that happiness must be always on the top of anything.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Chuchos (Dogs) management,my own personal quality time
Ok , a little “brake” here taking care of the dogs “Rhodesians” , these dogs are just unbelievable nice and love to spend a short time whit these big crazy dogs once on a while I am in this farm whit the new bro´s family , another nice thing is that we might start a nice sustainable project at this site, hopefully making this farm as a real model,, I wont be talking about today’s Bush visit to Bogotá,, comments are extra if you see my previous post. Anyway there are good thinking and interesting conversations out of Bogotá these days. By the way Harken the U.S oil company just found oil at the Colombian amazons,, good!,, the “polluting and colony´s squeezing out process” still on,, un real! ,
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Bush still out of focus III
Bueno, Bueno,, I been “Danzing” trough the good and evil these days, News (Caracol Tv) here in Bogotá present as if U.S President “Bush” is trying to make a good deal for his country,, perhaps will be if you look it under the “simple” “economic” old fashioned” Imperialistic or colonialist way –exploitation and then leave whit any thing to return to the land and people but explotaiton only, in which Latin-American have been submerge for the many centuries, the worst part is that some people in our Latino American countries still having second thoughts and not understating the whole implications of focused the FUEL production just in one commoditie or commodities that are by the way - vital for a our peoples feed, then this news network "Caracol Tv" as an example of its total lack of understanding of the situation and not having a clue of what is sustainability, tried to make an analogy between the good deal of Bush “mistaken move” in Brazil whit EU´s yesterday decision for adopting renewable and a set of sustainable measures to being energy efficient , to reduce the GHG , oil dependency but here is not due the security aspects but for a much priority reasons that concern’s our own life in this planet “a real and proven climate change” , TOTALLY DIFERENT MOVES!,
Anyway, I remember that the first thing they present to us on the Master leadership towards sustainability was that there is not just one magic solution and to depend on just one can be a major STRATEGIC mistake, even if the Security factor which is being U.S major driver and motivation factor for finished their old nasty oil dependency, they must understand that there is not just a matter of adopting only ethanol for their vehicles, is a little more complex than that , the consequences if Brazil or the rest of Latino America adopt the “white house” policy of producing the fuel for the U.S demand just of one renewable product such as the ethanol, will be catastrophic as the price of basic commodities will sky rocket high, the economic growth yes may be up for a short while and, then , when this has comes, the curve will dramatically come down and this time wont be recourses and the cost will be; most of our still rich forest that we had our rich biodiversity was long go away, the commodities,, well ,, buying sugar will be a luxury ,, tortillas wont be mass produced any no more because of the high price of the raw materials, ,land will be concentrate just in a few hands, more social unrest, more un equilibrium on the already pretty much divided Latin America, etc. etc, all of this for having the vey limited thinking of just thinking in one and only one solution for the Oil problem and what bader me the most, is that the U.S still rejecting the fact of Climate change,, here there is a slang that says; “there is not a worst blind that those blinds that doesn’t wanna see “, I have always criticized President of Venezuela-Hugo Chavez, but I have confess that in many occasions like the last days this guy makes good commentaries and open the eyes of many on this part of the world but showing that the solution for a sustainable world , a cleaner world or “Oil dependency” as the U.S is focused on need more deeper analyses and strategic one, sustainable strategic decisions that requires system understanding of the problem. To be continued ...(Out of focus...IV,V..etc)
Anyway, I remember that the first thing they present to us on the Master leadership towards sustainability was that there is not just one magic solution and to depend on just one can be a major STRATEGIC mistake, even if the Security factor which is being U.S major driver and motivation factor for finished their old nasty oil dependency, they must understand that there is not just a matter of adopting only ethanol for their vehicles, is a little more complex than that , the consequences if Brazil or the rest of Latino America adopt the “white house” policy of producing the fuel for the U.S demand just of one renewable product such as the ethanol, will be catastrophic as the price of basic commodities will sky rocket high, the economic growth yes may be up for a short while and, then , when this has comes, the curve will dramatically come down and this time wont be recourses and the cost will be; most of our still rich forest that we had our rich biodiversity was long go away, the commodities,, well ,, buying sugar will be a luxury ,, tortillas wont be mass produced any no more because of the high price of the raw materials, ,land will be concentrate just in a few hands, more social unrest, more un equilibrium on the already pretty much divided Latin America, etc. etc, all of this for having the vey limited thinking of just thinking in one and only one solution for the Oil problem and what bader me the most, is that the U.S still rejecting the fact of Climate change,, here there is a slang that says; “there is not a worst blind that those blinds that doesn’t wanna see “, I have always criticized President of Venezuela-Hugo Chavez, but I have confess that in many occasions like the last days this guy makes good commentaries and open the eyes of many on this part of the world but showing that the solution for a sustainable world , a cleaner world or “Oil dependency” as the U.S is focused on need more deeper analyses and strategic one, sustainable strategic decisions that requires system understanding of the problem. To be continued ...(Out of focus...IV,V..etc)
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Bush´s To day´s U.S State of the Union; “Still out of focus II"
You may wonder why do I care about this,, unfortunably our “developing” countries still on a north-south relationship and what ever the U.S president take as policies will replicate on this “followers” economies-states 80% soberan´s. So going to topic, The U.S state of the Union, well I was expecting this speech for quite some time, weird how a leader can be out of focused and so un strategic still missing the whole picture and focused only on minor details, and yea finally surprise, surprise all the elite of the U.S have priorized ; Security first and then climate change? How is that , I guess the true reason may be because there is only one year on Irak perhaps? Time is runing out to U.S keep oil reserves!, ha? there must be security ensured before climate change,, humm??,, weird how do you have security if you don’t have a planet? Climate change, Oil dependant yes, but his reading of the “challenge” is ; security reasons,, well,, the pour guy still missing the point! and has never understand the root of the problem , same as happens whit the Lebanon – Israel issue, and many many more, I guess those top advisors from Harvard and Yale have all figure it out, right?,, unreal!.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Liderazgo Europeo Energias Renobables, "New Policies for a New Europe"
Finalmente lo que escuche hace una año en Karlskrona toma forma, Hoy me he levantado con la noticia de que la UE adoptará como politica de la únion, la mitigación de los Gases Invernadero y sobre todo incentivar la adopción de tecnologías sostenibles dentro de sus paises miembros , todo esto dentro de un gran paquete de politicas e incentivos que lograran que Europa definitivamente lideré este cambio Fundamental, que se quiera o no tendrá que adoptarse a nivel global, aún mas interesente es las medidas "correctivas" por parte de la UE para fomentar las eficeincias energeticas, empresas que sean "ineficientes" energeticamente seran sancionadas, de este modo se fomenta el uso racional,eficiente -eco-eficiente, ahora esperar que entos lares "Latino America" la curva de aprendizaje no sea tan lenta y se empiecen a emular estas practicas.
Por otro lado se habla de la estrategía de U.S en Irak, y la posibilidad de enviar mas tropas, la metalidad Obtusa continua, y lo simpatico es que en un articulo de la BBC muestran como los europeos en una grandisima mayoria mas del 90 % piensan que el cambio climatico y sus implicaciones tienen mayor relevancia que la guerra en Irak , etc, es cada día mas grande el "Gap" EVOLUTIVO que existe en la clase politica y "desitionmakers" en Europa vs U.S., ha lo olvidaba hoy he visto en varios noticieros como los Osos no pueden Invernar en Rusia por que hace mucho calor, la noticia que se presenta es; pobrecillos que calor, tan divinos no pueden dormir, Absurdamente las noticias no se preguntan sobre el cambio climatico y los efectos de este que ya son innegables, las mismas noticas dan parte de alegría y entusiasmo por que en europa se vive un "mini verano" y mucha gente esta haciendo su agosto en las playas ,,, Pero nunca se questionan sobre el efecto invernadero y esto si es falta total de vision . Lo bueno es que a diferencia de la falta de capacidad e entendimiento de nuetro sistema en la tierra de muchos en la UE hay lideres que si han logrado "Evolucionar" y crecer intelectualmente para cambiar las cosas ha favor de nuestra Tecknosfera ó nuestro planeta y sociedad. Bien.
Por otro lado se habla de la estrategía de U.S en Irak, y la posibilidad de enviar mas tropas, la metalidad Obtusa continua, y lo simpatico es que en un articulo de la BBC muestran como los europeos en una grandisima mayoria mas del 90 % piensan que el cambio climatico y sus implicaciones tienen mayor relevancia que la guerra en Irak , etc, es cada día mas grande el "Gap" EVOLUTIVO que existe en la clase politica y "desitionmakers" en Europa vs U.S., ha lo olvidaba hoy he visto en varios noticieros como los Osos no pueden Invernar en Rusia por que hace mucho calor, la noticia que se presenta es; pobrecillos que calor, tan divinos no pueden dormir, Absurdamente las noticias no se preguntan sobre el cambio climatico y los efectos de este que ya son innegables, las mismas noticas dan parte de alegría y entusiasmo por que en europa se vive un "mini verano" y mucha gente esta haciendo su agosto en las playas ,,, Pero nunca se questionan sobre el efecto invernadero y esto si es falta total de vision . Lo bueno es que a diferencia de la falta de capacidad e entendimiento de nuetro sistema en la tierra de muchos en la UE hay lideres que si han logrado "Evolucionar" y crecer intelectualmente para cambiar las cosas ha favor de nuestra Tecknosfera ó nuestro planeta y sociedad. Bien.
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Diplomado de Valoración Económica Ambiental
Continue learning (Formal or informal) is part of the evolution of humans: Integral Economic Valuation of Environmental Ecosystems - Univers...
Nuestros países en Latino América , son “ ricos” , potencias en Capital Natural, sin embargo somos pobres en capital económico en relación c...
Continue learning (Formal or informal) is part of the evolution of humans: Integral Economic Valuation of Environmental Ecosystems - Univers...
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